Q2 2024 Economic Impacts on Kansas Manufacturing Webinar
Q2 2024 Economic Impacts on Kansas Manufacturing Webinar
On April 23rd, Chris Kuehl, Managing Director of Armada Corporate Intelligence, into the intricate interplay of international dynamics, domestic concerns, and pivotal economic indicators. What's the objective? To give you one expert's version of the economic inside scoop so you can plan for the potential twists and turns that may be coming down the economic road.
" Broad manufacturing. We’re still in the middle of a boom. We’re still seeing a certain amount of inventory build, still above trend. That begins to fall off near towards the end of this year, beginning of next…"
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Armada Corporate Intelligence
Armada has valuable informational resources for Kansas manufacturers that can be accessed through subscription briefings.
- The Armada Flagship Report is a twice weekly electronic economic update produced by Armada Intelligence.
- After 20 years of development, Armada Corporate Intelligence has partnered with Morris, Nelson & Associates (MNA) to launch a continuous forecasting intelligence tool for durable manufacturing called The Armada Strategic Intelligence System (ASIS). You can try it for free for 60 days!