What is the Key to Lean Success?
By Mike Niedenthal on June 6, 2017
“Lean is a set of beautiful ideas. Are we doing enough to get them across?” John Shook, CEO of the Lean Enterprise Institute The effectiveness of lean ideas no longer needs proving: we now...
Lean vs. Six Sigma
By Mike Niedenthal on May 16, 2017
We are often asked, “Which improvement approach, Lean or Six Sigma, is better?” “What are the main differences?” While I know these questions have and continue to be debated by both Lean and Six...
Cheerleader or Trusted Leader?
By Mike Niedenthal on April 11, 2017
We work with clients who are struggling, or have struggled, to successfully implement lean transformations. Over the course of our work, we have found common denominators that cause these culture-...
Why Should You Listen to Us?
By Mike Niedenthal on December 28, 2016
My colleague, Joe Torrago, recently wrote a blog addressing the issue that we are often asked by Kansas manufacturers what we know about making the types of products they produce. Joe’s response? “...
You Can Call It a Banana...
By Mike Niedenthal on October 20, 2016
I was asked the other day, “What’s the difference between a lean activity and a kaizen event?” My first reaction was to give in to my often quoted answer, “It doesn’t really matter, you can call it...
Lean/Six Sigma Succeeds When You Start by Asking "Why?"
By Mike Niedenthal on October 14, 2016
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to be a part of the 3rd annual Continuous Improvement and Innovation Conference (CIIC) at Kansas Wesleyan University. We covered a wide range of topics, one...
When Lean/Six Sigma Succeeds
By Mike Niedenthal on April 25, 2016
Last week I had the opportunity to be a part of the 3rd annual Continuous Improvement and Innovation Conference (CIIC) at Kansas Wesleyan University. We covered a wide range of topics, one of which...
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